class HasZero a => HasPosNegZeros a where
positiveZero :: a
negativeZero :: a
isPositiveZero :: a -> Bool
isNegativeZero :: a -> Bool
isPositive :: (HasPosNegZeros a, MaybeOrdered a) => a -> Bool
isNegative :: (HasPosNegZeros a, MaybeOrdered a) => a -> Bool
class HasInfinity a => HasPosNegInfinities a where
positiveInfinity :: a
negativeInfinity :: a
isPositiveInfinity :: a -> Bool
isNegativeInfinity :: a -> Bool
class (Negatable a, InterpretRationalLiteral a, Additive a a a, Subtractive a a a, Multiplicative a a a, Divisible a a a, Power a a) => ApproxMath a where
pi :: a
exponent :: a -> a
logarithm :: a -> a
squareroot :: a -> a
logarithmBase :: a -> a -> a
sine :: a -> a
cosine :: a -> a
tangent :: a -> a
arcsine :: a -> a
arccosine :: a -> a
arctangent :: a -> a
hypsine :: a -> a
hypcosine :: a -> a
hyptangent :: a -> a
archypsine :: a -> a
archypcosine :: a -> a
archyptangent :: a -> a
class (ApproxMath a, HasAbsolute a a, Approximate a NaNInfRational, MaybeOrdered a) => RealApproxMath a
arctangent2 :: (RealApproxMath a, HasPosNegZeros a) => a -> a -> a
class HasZero a => HasPosNegZeros a where
has both positive and negative zero
positiveZero :: a
negativeZero :: a
isPositiveZero :: a -> Bool
isNegativeZero :: a -> Bool
HasPosNegZeros Double
HasPosNegZeros EIReal
isPositive :: (HasPosNegZeros a, MaybeOrdered a) => a -> Bool
isNegative :: (HasPosNegZeros a, MaybeOrdered a) => a -> Bool
class HasInfinity a => HasPosNegInfinities a where
has both positive and negative infinity
positiveInfinity :: a
negativeInfinity :: a
isPositiveInfinity :: a -> Bool
isNegativeInfinity :: a -> Bool
HasPosNegInfinities Double
HasPosNegInfinities EIReal
class (Negatable a, InterpretRationalLiteral a, Additive a a a, Subtractive a a a, Multiplicative a a a, Divisible a a a, Power a a) => ApproxMath a where
pi :: a
exponent :: a -> a
logarithm :: a -> a
squareroot :: a -> a
logarithmBase :: a -> a -> a
sine :: a -> a
cosine :: a -> a
tangent :: a -> a
arcsine :: a -> a
arccosine :: a -> a
arctangent :: a -> a
hypsine :: a -> a
hypcosine :: a -> a
hyptangent :: a -> a
archypsine :: a -> a
archypcosine :: a -> a
archyptangent :: a -> a
(RealApproxMath a, HasPosNegZeros a) => ApproxMath (Complex a)
ApproxMath Double
ApproxMath EIReal
class (ApproxMath a, HasAbsolute a a, Approximate a NaNInfRational, MaybeOrdered a) => RealApproxMath a
RealApproxMath EIReal
arctangent2 :: (RealApproxMath a, HasPosNegZeros a) => a -> a -> a
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